The successful cover letter is the introduction to prospective employers and this means – the first impression of you. And, as it is in life – it is always good to make nice first impression.
A successful cover letter will ensure that your CV and application are forwarded to the right person or department. But before you write the cover letter, you’ll have to conduct a research. Call the cruise line and ask for Human Resources department. When you get in touch with them, ask for the mailing address and the name and title of contact person you should send your CV to.
If you submit your CV electronically, include cover letter in the body of email or in specific field for covering letter if you use an online form provided by the recruiter. Avoid e-mail abbreviations! The successful cover letter offers quick information about your assets. It should not exceed one page length. Never use casual tone, because it will be concerned as unprofessional- write it in formal business style.
Cover Letter that Employers will read?
When the workplace is overburdened, it’s less likely that your cover letter will get the needed attention. Demonstrate what employers want to know – you will be able to get things done. You are smart and you are going to fit in well with company’s corporate culture.
- Include statements that compliment the
company. They show you know details and appreciate the work it does. Comment things which are positive about the company. Let them know why you want the job – refer to company’s reputation, size, product quality, progressive management or other that impress you. Do little research and find things you like and could respect your prospective employer for. Do not apply just because you want any job – find out a job that is suitable for you and try to prove it with your cover letter and CV. This will give you opportunity to avoid getting stacked in pile of applicants.
- Do not try to be someone else. This advice is especially relevant when you apply for new job. Your CV can sell your experience, but your cover letter has to sell you as personal qualities. Give the company reason to want you. Come across as human being, not just a list of jobs and languages. Tell them your story. It matters who you are. Some companies are interested to hire people who will get the work done and never complain, but when you actually like the job you apply for, show the employers that you matter. Share your personality in a relevant to the job you want way. This way you increase chances to get the job.
- Never use the same cover letter twice! Jobs change. You can reuse sections from previous cover letters if they are applicable, but you must remember that the same letter will have different impact on other audience and company.
A successful cover letter must link your skills to employer’s needs. You should give the employer an idea who you are, explain what skills you have and you could bring to the job. You should explain to the employer why you are interested in company’s business and explain the way your skills match the job vacancy.
Include information about your work history and life experiences, education and training. Explain why you are the person for the company and that your skills can meet company’s needs. Link experience and qualifications to what the employer searches for and show you meet job requirements.
Sell yourself by explaining how you want to contribute to the company. Focus on what you can offer, rather than on things you want. Show knowledge of the company and share recommendations for opportunities you have researched. Show motivation and enthusiasm for innovations, prove you could fit into the company and you are the one!
The following review is helpful for those of you who are interested in proper cover letter format. Our survey is integrated with CV Structure Template.
Proper cover letter format includes the
- Date, name, full mailing address of employer;
- Contact person – name and title with a salutation (Dear Mr./Mrs.);
- First Paragraph – a direct opening statement which identifies your objectives;
- Second Paragraph – highlighting your experience and a quick summary of relevant experience;
- Third Paragraph – a combination of brief conclusion and contact information;
- Closing salutation (Yours Sincerely,);
- Ending with signature and written name below.
Some tips to help with your cover letter:
- Use quality plain white A4 paper and use basic fonts – Arial, Calibri, Tahoma. Use more white space around edges of the page and clear space between paragraphs or sections.
- Start with your name, contact details and do not forget to date the letter.
- Address it to the person who is relevant – it is better than to start with Dear Sir/Madam. If you do not know for sure who will read your letter, email to the contact person, and ask.
- First write a sentence about the way you knew about the job – this is valuable information for the company to choose how to advertise.
- No matter who reads your cover letter, the employer will consider it as an example of your grammar knowledge and writing skills. Make sure no grammatical mistakes find place in it and think about making spelling perfect. Get another person, better two or three friends, to read your letter before you send it to employer.
- Be friendly and professional. Write short and to the point, but include something innovative to make it sound interesting. Do not start sentences with “I”.
- End by saying that you are available for interview. Don’t forget to sign the letter.
- Keep copies of sent letters– when getting to an interview it is useful to know what you wrote. It makes next letters easier to write.
Be persistent but not annoying – do not call personnel managers or recruitment agents too often. If the cruise line looks for a person with your qualities, they will invite you for interview.
If you succeed, you will receive a “Letter of Employment” a few weeks later. It usually includes information about the cruise line, date and place of embarkation, job position and instructions.
You will need to do medical examination for getting a medical certificate. The contracts are usually for six months. You could prolong it for up to ten months upon agreement. If they like your work, you will be offered another contract.
Proper cover letter format is as much important as your CV structure – take care for both: search the Web, consult professionals and people whom you trust to get a piece of advice.